Head shot of founder, white skin and long brown hair wearing a white shirt, stone-wall background.
Close-up of a Laro Naturally Whitening Toothpaste beige aluminium tube with hexagonal aluminium cap, held out straight ahead by a girl with brown hair wearing a white shirt.

Hi! I'm Beth

Founder of Laro. 

My journey to founding Laro is a personal one, rooted in my lifelong pursuit of excellence and a desire to create something beautiful. After growing up in a picturesque English village, I moved to London to chase these dreams diving into the world of law before transitioning into a career as a city banker.

The demanding lifestyle of London's financial district was challenging, but it also introduced me to the world of luxury beauty products. While I have managed to acquire quite the selection of sophisticated and sustainable beauty products, I haven't had the same success with my oral care. 

This realization hit me as I stood before the toothpaste aisle in a store, surrounded by plastic tubes of generic toothpaste. It struck me how no premium, environmentally conscious oral care products were readily available. I couldn't shake off a feeling of discontent, and I realized that this was a great opportunity for me to create something that would blend my love for luxury with my passion for sustainability. 

Close-up of a brown haired girl smiling and holding 3 Laro Naturally Whitening Toothpaste product boxes vertically together against the dark background of a brown jumper, golden hour light and hair blowing in the breeze.
Close-up of six Laro Naturally Whitening Toothpaste, SLS and fluoride free, unit cartons stacked and held with two hands top and bottom.

I dedicated myself to researching natural ingredients, exploring sustainable packaging, and understanding the latest in oral care technology. My goal was clear: to build a brand that not only provided excellent oral care but also aligned with the values and lifestyles of discerning consumers like myself.

This is how Laro was born. It's a reflection of my commitment to elevate the mundane task of brushing teeth into an experience that's luxurious, thoughtful, and conscious.

Are you ready to make waves with us?